Four days until my feet are in Georgia! Before I had Saylor, I was always pretty stoic when it came to "lovey dovey" emotions. Now, however, I find myself being 'touched' by things all the time. Both times I've visited Georgia since I've moved to Oregon, when I see the plane start descending into Atlanta, I can't hold back tears! It's like this big, momentous moment that I look forward to is happening, and I get to look at all of the familiar buildings and streets from above. It's one of the purest moments of nostalgia that I've ever felt.
One time, when I was younger, I was asking my Mom if she ever missed her child hood home; or was it so cool having a house that's YOURS that it outweighs her old home? She told me that it's exciting to have your own house, with your own family- BUT you never really feel that feeling of 'home' like you do when it's your parents house. I TOTALLY get that now. When I come 'home' to my house in Oregon, I feel that 'ah' sigh of relief. I feel relaxed and happy. When I go to my parents house, though, it's just different. It's like... I could be gone for 10 years, but I come back and start right back off where I left in Georgia.
Joe is getting excited too, and surprisingly really getting into the holiday spirit. He does this ADORABLE thing when he gets excited. It's really like a 'tick' almost, because he doesn't realize he's done it until I mention it. He will rub his hands together really fast. It looks almost like he's trying to warm them up, and that's what I thought he was doing when we first got married. I had never noticed it before. I finally asked him one day if his circulation was bad, and if he was having trouble keeping his hands warm (which he does have a problem with sometimes). He looked confused and said, "hm, I think I do that when I get excited about something." So now it warms my heart EVERY time I see him do it. It's this little indicator of 'my man is happy' and he doesn't even consciously realize that he's telling me that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, he's been rubbing his hands together a lot lately, and usually when there's talk of our trip to Georgia. I love it.
I woke up this morning to find 2 wrapped presents of me in the living room. He said I can't open them yet, obviously. So I went ahead and put Luna's and Joe's presents out there as well. We still haven't gotten Saylor's stuff yet! Tsk. We didn't get a Christmas tree this year. You know us, eco-OCD. There are Christmas trees that come in potted plants, that you can reuse, and then when you're ready for a new one, you get to go plant your tree in the ground, so it won't just die. Maybe we'll invest in one of those next year. But where are we going to store an all year Christmas tree? No idea.
Now's the time to start thinking about New Year's resolutions! I usually do weight loss ones. Pretty unoriginal. I am literally the exact same weight I was last New Year. Hahaha. So, I'll be doing something different and much more productive and positive this year. I have actually already started. My intention will be to go a full year without wearing any make up, dyeing my hair, or shaving my underarms and legs! 'Why?' is probably the question you're asking yourself, or maybe you're just rolling your eyes thinking 'she WOULD be doing this' hahaha. Both of those are acceptable responses! So, the reason WHY is this- I (like so many women today) focus WAY too much on my outward beauty. I've come to, personally, notice that the more I focus on how other's view me outwardly, the more ugly I feel on the inside. I'm done hiding behind the facade and mask of make up. I'm tired of giving in to the cultural and societal pressures to be a hairless mole rat. Yeah, okay sure, it looks pretty to have clean shaven underarms. But that's only because that is what we've become accustomed to. I'm letting nature do its thing, the way evolution (or God, if you so believe) intended. Plus, it is super sexist that women have this burden to be the one who has to work really hard in order to appear attractive to the opposite sex (or partner). Now this is all I'm going to say on the subject. Obviously if you're interested and have questions or criticisms alike, I'm open ears, heart, and mind. I really just wanted to put it out there for friends and family (because it shouldn't be a big deal, but... to some people it will be, and that's okay!) in case you get a flash of leg hair, you'll be informed as to why it's there, and it's not because I'm having a mental breakdown.
This affirmation is also proving to be a wonderful addition to my journey of loving oneself.
"I accept myself, unconditionally, right now." Seems so simple, but it's so powerful (and should be true all of the time!)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sick Girl
On a usual morning, Joe wakes up at 5 am, leaves around 6:30. Saylor will come crawl into bed with me anywhere from 6:50 to 7:30, tap me on the shoulder gently, or just wiggle around until I'm forced to get up too (I'm addicted to our bed, especially in the winter). This morning was the same until it came time for my Saylor Wake-Up Call. She came in around 8, which is late for her, and laid next to me and started to quietly cry to herself. I roused from a deep sleep and asked what was wrong. She told me that her tummy hurt. I asked her if she needed to use the restroom, to which she responded 'yes'. So a couple minute go by and I decide to go check on her. She was laying on the bathroom mat in front of the shower. I said 'what are you doing, honey?' and she said that she was still tired (VERY unlike her). I said she could lay down in my bed while I made breakfast. Our favorite breakfast is to split a bagel, and (since I've started weight training, I made my egg whites as well.) When the bagels were done I asked her to come sit at her seat. When she entered the dining room and I got a look at her face I literally couldn't stop a 'whoa' from coming out of my mouth. She was as white as a ghost. Her lips were the same color as her face. It was actually a pretty jarring sight. On a side note, Saylor eats a lot in the morning, a normal amount for lunch, and we're lucky if we can get her to take 2 bites of dinner. Last night she didn't eat ANYTHING, so I thought she was feeling nauseous from hunger, because that happens to me. I told her that she should eat a bite of her bagel or take a sip of milk. When I handed her the bagel she literally threw it down and ran to the bathroom, where she vomited. My heart was broken for her. This happened a couple times. Finally I got her settled on the couch (where she is right now) watching Finding Nemo and got her to eat some raisins and walnuts, and drink her milk. All her color has come back, so hopefully we're moving forward now. She had such a sad look on her face, but as soon as I pointed the camera at her, her face lit up with that cheeeeese smile. Sweet baby girl.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sisters, OR
The 'Civil War' was on Saturday, that's Oregon State vs. University of Oregon- we lost-- But we felt like winners because we spent the game at Papa's Pizza, so Joe and I could spend some quality time together while Saylor played on their ginormous playground, so fun was had by everyone. And... pizza, of course. We biked there as well, which makes it double fun and the guilt a little less for chowing down on pizza and beer.
Yesterday was our last day of Thanksgiving break. We decided to get the most out of it and make a day trip to Sisters and Redmond. Sisters is a cute, ranchy, mountain town. Redmond (18 miles east of Sisters) is considered 'high desert'. So we got to have a little fun in the snow AND in the desert. I love Oregon!
Note to Mom and Dad- this is the place where we went and ate our sandwiches when you were here visiting.
Another note to Mom and Dad- THIS is where we were sitting on the rocks. They're completely covered in water now!!
Old Growth
Sunshine and snow.
Three fingered Jack, I believe??? There's so many snow capped mountains in this area, I get all turned around as to which one is which.
High desert mountains
Crooked River at the Cove Palisades
Goodnight desert moon!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Taking Photographs
I've come to realize that I'm not really a picture taker. Some people were just born to do it, have a great eye for it, and a great passion. While I enjoy looking at photos from past events, I now know that I cannot rely on myself to capture exciting times. I'm too selfish having fun. To really get all the good shots, I have to be the 'weirdo behind the camera'. I do this EVERY TIME I tell myself that I'm going to try and capture somethings, and my memory always fails me. So here are the few pictures I got at the Bianca-Mike engagement/early Turkey Day party. I didn't even get a picture of Bianca and Mike. Shameful.
Mike and Bianca's engagement present. I made it from scratch, by hand, pretty proud.
Naked Turk
The snack spread
My baby
Bianca always treats us to awesome pictures that go along with the event being had.
The already devoured turkey.
In other news, I am waiting for the vet to open so I can call to schedule Luna in. She is tearing herself apart being itchy. She doesn't have fleas, so my totally unprofessional opinion thinks she has a skin allergy. Poor pup.
Saylor is finally over her sickness, just leaving Joe and I. We're fine, just congested. It's worse in the morning and evening.
I have NO work this week due to Thanksgiving break, but Saylor only goes in 2 days, so I'll stay busy with her at home.
Alright, is that all the mundane details of my life recently? I think so! Until next time....
Mike and Bianca's engagement present. I made it from scratch, by hand, pretty proud.
Naked Turk
The snack spread
My baby
Bianca always treats us to awesome pictures that go along with the event being had.
The already devoured turkey.
In other news, I am waiting for the vet to open so I can call to schedule Luna in. She is tearing herself apart being itchy. She doesn't have fleas, so my totally unprofessional opinion thinks she has a skin allergy. Poor pup.
Saylor is finally over her sickness, just leaving Joe and I. We're fine, just congested. It's worse in the morning and evening.
I have NO work this week due to Thanksgiving break, but Saylor only goes in 2 days, so I'll stay busy with her at home.
Alright, is that all the mundane details of my life recently? I think so! Until next time....
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Photo Updates
Getting festive for the holiday season approaching
Our mushroom 'log' produced the oysters, so we harvested last night. I sauteed them and put them on top of some hamburgers, and totally forgot to take pictures!
Luna at her spot, doing what she does- barking at the birds that come to our bird feeder.
Our mushroom 'log' produced the oysters, so we harvested last night. I sauteed them and put them on top of some hamburgers, and totally forgot to take pictures!
Luna at her spot, doing what she does- barking at the birds that come to our bird feeder.
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