Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A week with my parents!

Well my parents left this morning after 6.25 days with us! Thank goodness for Skype, because although we will miss them terribly, it really makes it so much easier being able to SEE them about once a week! We did SO many fun things while they were here. Here are some of the pictures we got. (They got out of order, so excuse the randomness)

 Fernview campsite where we stopped and at our lunch.

On our (long) drive to Redmond!

 What's wrong with this picture??

 Smith Rock

 All of us explaining to Saylor that she should not be standing on wobbly fences that are right above a 50 foot drop.
 Sleeping lynx

 We visited the High Desert Museum while Mom was attending a saddle fitting seminar. They had an abundance of cool stuff. Some animals (like the bobcat and lynx pictured above) We got there at 11 am, and stayed until they closed at 4, and they had to usher us out around 4:15!
 They had a butterfly and hummingbird room.

 And a lot of exhibits about the native americans and settlers
 But best of all, they had TONS of activities to keep kids interest! Saylor had a BLAST

 Diggin for potatoes
 Playing an old fashioned game

 Our view for most of the time in Redmond
Saylor having a good time meeting the horses at Mom's saddle fitting seminar

Joe caught a quick picture of a yawning bobcat
 Mom taught me how to french braid on Saylor's hair

It was a GREAT trip. Sad that I'll have to wait until July to see them again. They treated us to delicious meals, and wonderful company! We got to bowl, climb, go to wacky bounce, go to the beach, and more. They even made it possible for Saylor to start gymnastics, AND for Joe to join an indoor soccer team! I couldn't ask for more generous parents! So inspiring! We don't take it for granted, guys! We love you and miss you already!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Picture Updates!

Fresh brushed teefs!
Saylor planted, and has been taking care of her plants ALL by herself!! She is currently growing spinach and chard!
Right after she watered them, she swore up and down that she saw her plants grow even bigger :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring is approaching!

Hello everyone!

Well, I deleted my Facebook once and for all. No turning back now! I've been taking a lot of pictures with my Canon to put in my blog, but I cannot find my connector cable. So until then, I'll leave you with my fuzzy Android camera pictures...

 We are enjoying using our local co-op, still. We strive to eat vegan, and succeed about 75% of the time. Joe isn't eating meat, and I am eating it much less (once a week) and striving to cut it out entirely. Our rock climbing is improving. Finally starting to wake those muscles up!
Saylor is growing up too fast. She'll be FOUR next month. She is such a sweet girl, and has a very keen eye for particularities.
 I cut a good 4 inches off my hair, and it feels great. (P.S. I was not doing the duck face. This was a picture I sent to Joe sending him a virtual kiss.)
My parents will be arriving here next Wednesday, so we are really really looking forward to that! Joe and I are getting ready to start our garden back up, and are going to expand this year. My neighbor (and best friend) Summer and I just started talking today about sharing a CSA (Community Sustained Agriculture), which is where local farms send you weekly boxes of fruits and veggies from their crops! So we are both very excited about that. Work is going very well. Just living and loving life day by day!!!

Love to you all!