Saturday, August 13, 2011

All or nothing: When nature calls....

                                                               My Saylor...

So I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself for being super proud of her for pee peeing 8 times in her potty yesterday, with about 2 accidents, but I can't help but be super stoked. We're making a special trip to wal-mart to pick up some real panties and some plastic liners to go over them. I kind of feel like I'm an all or nothing kind of person... If we're going to do it, we're going to do it completely.

I still am a little confused on how I'm going to handle the night time pee pees. I guess I'm going to enforce a "no liquids after 6" rule (her bed time is at 8), and not put her down until she's pee peed. But besides that I'm a little lost on what to do in the middle of the night when nature calls. I guess I'll do what I'm best at when it comes to parenthood and play it by ear (or play it by pee pee).

Well, I don't have much else to write about. My mind has pretty much been focused on potty training for the last 30 hours, and I don't really want to focus it on anything else at this point... I'm painfully determined to make this happen! I'll update in a few days (and I'm hoping to still be this optimistic!)


  1. All or nothing seems a good idea in this area. Am so glad she's caught on so fast. I don't really think that no liquids 2 hours before bedtime is that bad, as long as she had some at dinner. I don;t think adults drink that much at that time of night. I just sip on my tea. Go with your gut, and good luck!

  2. I appreciate that. I give her tons of liquids during the day, I don't think it would be harmful not to give it to her for a 2 hour increment. I lived our talk 
